We are change

We are change or hopes or future are in our hands every action and thoughts create our world here there and every ware.Stand tail be proud We are change lets all take charge and be the best that we can be .No more hiding behind fake Prophets of the past who care not for you or I together we will change the world.Fear not the worries of the day the Matrix is a illusion to enslave all does who gaze but never ask why? And take its for its word but never asking why? Thinking only of the passers by .Fear not the worries of the day We are change ©


All my works is funded by me the advertise and so on. Lust is about in powering people to understand that when there free from Lust there are at one with the World and them self. All donation well help spread the trued and help those that can not see. All donation s are helping others see the glory of life team work make the dream work ...